Lumi Nova provides NICE recommended, digital therapy for childhood anxiety.
Proudly funded and commissioned by the NHS and Local Authorities, Lumi Nova provides children aged 7-12 with instant access to support and the tools to build skills for lifelong self-management of anxiety.
Award Winning Technology
Evidence-based digital mental health support you can trust
Lumi Nova combines Exposure Therapy and Psychoeducation inside an easy to use mobile-game and is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) as a 'first line treatment option' to treat anxiety in children and young people.’
How Lumi Nova is supporting families
6000+ children and families supported since 2023
84% of young people said Lumi Nova was easy to use
78% of parents reported an improvement in their child’s anxiety
Child-led, parent-supported and evidence based
For 7-12 year olds
Safely supports mild to moderate anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based modality
Access on demand
Inclusive and non-stigmatising by design
Reaching underserved children & young people to help address health inequity
View outcomes and progress data in real time
Lumi Nova includes access to the VitaMind Hub for professionals.
Provides routine outcome measures (ROMS)
View and Download Engagement Data
Automated reports including MHSDS

Meeting the highest standards of clinical safety and data security
Lumi Nova is recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a first line treatment option (for children and young people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety),
CE marked as a Class 1 (low risk) Medical Device registered with the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Compliant with DCB0129 - NHS standard for clinical risk management and its application in the development of digital health technologies
NHS Digital Technologies Assessment Criteria (DTAC) - NHSE approved
NHS Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit - Standards met
ICO Registration
Cyber Essentials Accredited
What customers and families have to say
Click the image above to watch Lumi Nova on the BBC
Enhancing the CYP Pathway through local integration
We work closely with NHS, Local Authority and VCSE partners to meet the mental health needs of our children and young people at a time of unprecedented demand. Our purpose is to collaboratively reduce wait times significantly, make therapeutic services more accessible, more equitable, and improve service user outcomes and experience, by providing an innovative digital route to support for children across communities.
Points of use:
Early support settings
Self referrals
Point of triaging
Waitlist management
As adjunct to specialist support
To prevent relapse
Effectiveness, User Engagement and Experience, and Safety of a Mobile App (Lumi Nova) Delivering Exposure-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies to Manage Anxiety in Children via Immersive Gaming Technology: Preliminary Evaluation Study
Key results:
In just 8 weeks, children who used Lumi Nova experienced a reduction in their anxiety symptoms across all domains of anxiety; generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder and phobias.
users who played Lumi Nova more frequently showed a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms.
significant engagement and treatment adherence levels particularly with the therapeutic elements of the game.
treatment gains for both genders and users at the younger and older end of the target age group.
Lumi Nova is a safe intervention to treat the symptoms of anxiety in children.
Outcomes of Providing Children Aged 7-12 Years With Access to Evidence-Based Anxiety Treatment Via a Standalone Digital Intervention Using Immersive Gaming Technology: Real-World Evaluation
Statistically significant small to medium improvements in goal-based outcome scores and Child Outcome Rating Scale
Key aspects of CBT and gamification to treat children with anxiety
(Evidence Review Summary 2017)
Learn more about how we tackle health inequality
Our Research Partners
For parents and guardians
Lumi Nova is currently only available in some areas via our partners. Click on the Get Access button below to view a list of supported areas.
Lumi Nova is not recommended for use with children who have severe anxiety, are in crisis, have suicidal thoughts or are at risk of self harming without clinical supervision. See Instructions For Use.